Quote from Dr. Keith Jepsen, former Director, Financial Aid, New York University.

"This is 'the definitive guide to paying for college' written by one of the country's best in the field. During my 40 years in the biz I've never seen any related book this good. I highly recommend it, especially the sections on debt burden, return on your 'investment', and the aid process. Mark and Doug have really done their homework and then some. The other experts they've involved (see acknowledgements in the back) reads like a 'who's who' in higher education finance. I'll put the book on my list for the graduate course at NYU."

Dr. Keith Jepsen
former Director, Financial Aid
New York University
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Related Tools & Calculators
Savings Plan Designer
This calculator shows you how much money you must contribute each month to an interest-bearing bank account or investment fund in order to reach your savings goals.
College Cost Projector
Use this calculator to estimate how much college will cost when you are ready to enroll.
EFC Calculator
Financial aid is based on the difference between your Cost of Attendance and Expected Family Contribution (EFC).
Paying for College GANNT Chart
A time-frame planning tool that shows when the most time-consuming financial aid tasks start and end.

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